Category: Pictures Page 15 of 46

Per Internet Ad Astra

As this picture suggests, outer space is watching us, and as Nietzsche didn’t quite say, if the abyss gazes into us, shouldn’t we also gaze into it ? I think so.

Anyway, in the spirit of checking our Dobsonians have their secondary mirrors aligned correctly (and other matters astronomical), I’d like to point you towards this page on NASA’s website, where you can arrange to have your name – or someone else’s name – put onto a microchip which will be put onto the Mars Science Laboratory rover which will be heading to Mars in 2011.

Granted, thousands of other names will be on there too, but I think it’s an amusing thing anyway, and if you know a fan of matters celestial, they might like to be included. When you sign up, you can print off a free certificate, which could be a fun present for someone.

Until next time, keep watching the skies…

I Think The Staff May Have Placed Them On The Same Shelf Deliberately

Here are three DVDs I saw in Blockbuster last night:

Hero walking towards the viewer? Check.
Gun in right hand? Check.
Explosion behind him? Check.
Circle or cross-hair motif? Check.
Queen to King’s Rook Four? Check.

He Also Provided Colours For a Comic Called Watchmen, Which You Might Have Heard Of…

I’ve often thought that John Higgins is a rather under-exposed comic writer and artist; not necessarily under-rated, as people who know of his work tend to admire it, but it’s not as if the release of a new item from him is likely to be made at the San Diego or Chicago conventions, which is a pity, as he’s a good solid artist (and a particularly skilled painter), and a friendly chap (I say this on the basis of having met John at a convention in about 1986, where my fanboy excitement meant I gabbled and talked nonsense, but he was very indulgent of my drivel).

Anyway, the first 22 pages of Razorjack, which he both wrote and drew, can now be seen for free online here – it’s a PDF file, so you’ll need to have appropriate PDF-reading software – and I think you’ll agree it’s worth a look.

And no, despite Hollywood’s current fondness for adapting comics to film, it was not the source material for that Russell Mulcahy film about a killer Boar.

It’s No Wonder I Feel So Old

This week, Marvel Comics have been celebrating their 70th Birthday – and good for them, I’ve often enjoyed their stuff, and they seem to have bounced back rather well after being declared bankrupt a few years ago.

That said, I do seem to remember an Anniversary back when I was a teenager – here’s the corner box from Marvel’s X-Men comic, issue 211 in 1986:

So, 1961 + 70 = 2009? Oh Marvel, I hope it’s not creative accounting that has helped you claim to have a healthier bank balance…

Unintelligent Design: The Watches Worn By 007

The latest post in this occasional series is swimming against the tide a bit, but still…

There really is no need for watches to be waterproof to hundreds of metres. I’m qualified to dive, but only to 30 metres, and yet there are many watches which are water resistant to depths of 200m or more.

An example: the Omega Seamaster Planet ocean is water resistant to 600m. The deepest recorded dive using scuba equipment is 330m, just over half that. By 200m, the penetration of light from the surface is pretty much gone, so you’ll need a torch to read your watch (it doesn’t seem to glow in the dark or have a light, but I may have missed that). Similarly, the Rolex Submariner (dial pictured) is water-resistant to 300m, which seems a bit unnecessary.

Yes, I know there’s a lot to admire about watches with the impressive build and reliability of Omega and Rolex, but this just seems excessive. I’m pretty certain there’s a middle ground to be struck between making something sturdy enough to survive the general bashes and splashes of everyday life (so: a watch that doesn’t scratch, and will withstand water if you go for a swim, a shower or do the washing-up) and building something to withstand events that very few people are actually likely to experience.

Then again, since many of these watches which are strangely water-resistant to the depth of the Mariana Trench are top-of-the-line models, maybe reducing the spec and reducing the price, even if it means increased sales, might work against the prestige aspect of the watches?

Hmm. Maybe it’s ‘intelligence’ in marketing terms at the expense of design intelligence, then.

Oh, This Can’t Be For Real… Can It?

One of my many sophisticated friends sent me this picture this week, I gather it’s doing the rounds at the moment… surely it’s not real?

I gather it originates from Holy Moly, but they’re not that well known for doctored pictures, are they?

Remember That Doctor Who Episode With The Daleks Flying All Round Canary Wharf?

Canary Wharf is in Docklands in the East of London, not far from Forest Gate, where I spotted this on the pavement the other night:

I’m not forgetting about the lasers and everything, but now I’ve seen one in real life, I think that they’re slightly less menacing. Forget firing paint onto their eyestalk, it looks as if putting a carrier bag over them might be enough to render them blind.
Then again, most people look taller on TV, don’t they? The Daleks’ agents must have demanded that they’re only shot from the most flattering of angles.

Appropriately Enough, This Post May Itself Be Unnecessary

In a post last week I pointed out a couple of films vying to be Least Necessary Sequel, 2009, but don’t fill in your voting card just yet – check out this contender!

Clearly, this contest ain’t over until … um, the multi-lingual copyright warnings start to appear on your TV screen.

I’ll Be Honest With You: Sometimes I Put Similar-Looking Books Down Next To Each Other…

… in the hope that the excitement contained in one might rub off on the other.

I’ll leave it to you to decide which is the exciting one.

The Competition Is Hotting Up…

… to win the coveted prize of Least Necessary Sequel, 2009! Check out these recent releases!

Coming soon: Thelma and Louise 2, and Police Academy 8: Tackleberry – The Early Years!*

*I’m kidding about these. At least, I think I made them up. Lord have mercy on us all if they’re sitting on a development list somewhere.

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