This sign has recently appeared in the Gents at the place where I work.
Given that I’m amongst the youngest there, it’s a bit alarming that they feel that we need a refresher course in how to wash your hands, surely?
The model shown above, which is available from Firebox, boasts a screen which measures a full 1.5″. Wow-ee. Now you too can see Citizen Kane reduced to the size of a matchbox. Will the wonders of modern science never cease?
As I noted in this post, trying to combine functions with a watch invariably results in something that’s too chunky to be a watch, but too small to work as a TV or calculator or whatever. And this seems to be one of those.
Granted, it might be bearable for watching Youtube videos or other short works of cinematic greatness like The Star Wars Kid , but watching a whole film on something so small? Only if you don’t mind risking eyestrain at the very least.
As ever, you may disagree wildly, and think that I’m talking pish. You’re absolutely entitled to that opinion, but do bear in mind that on this issue, David Lynch has made it clear that he and I are in complete agreement, though he uses stronger language to make his point.
As someone with a brain in my skull and more than a grain of love for humanity in my soul, I of course think that the Daily Mail is a morally repugnant, house-price-fixated, crypto-xenophobic waste of ink and trees. And if that sounds like an overreaction, do bear in mind it’s a matter of public record that they supported Oswald Mosely and his fascist group the Blackshirts in the run-up to World War II.
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