Category: Pictures Page 35 of 46

Mind You, Nudity Does Tend To Help Sell Stuff

Almost exactly a decade after Lars Von Trier’s film made under the ‘Dogme’ banner, Sigur Ros … er… pay tribute to it with their latest album cover.

The Place? A Packaging Design Agency. The Time? 2006, Just After Lunchtime

Boss: Gareth, got a job for you.

Gareth: Really? I was kind of hoping to get to the pub in time for a drink with Terry on his last day.

Boss: Well, you can probably still make it if you can think of a quick packaging design for this.

(Boss hands Gareth a small package)

Gareth: Didn’t this film come out a few years ago?

Boss: Yes, but they want us to come up with a new design for the PSP version.

Gareth sighs.

Boss: Anyway, I’ll be down the pub with the others, if you can think of something quickly I guess I’ll see you down there.

Gareth: Yeah, okay, but it’s not like there’ve been any DVD sleeves on a similar theme that I could just rip off, is there ? … Oh, wait a minute.

Cut to:
Five minutes later. Gareth is in the pub, drinking with Terry, his Boss, and some other colleagues.

Keine Klein Samizdat

The new paperback from Naomi ‘No Logo’ Klein there.

If I understand the reviews and the book’s general description correctly, it’s a pretty scary and searing indictment of the people who are manipulating world events to create a climate of fear from which they profit financially.

All pretty interesting, and more than a little creepy. But… well, the book sounds like it’s going to unnerve me and alarm me about the state of the world today, and it has a cover price of £8.99.

You see what I’m driving at here, right?

Did You See This In The Evening Standard Yesterday?

I had a go at it, but of a possible ten, I only got three answers right.

(Is this remark in bad taste? Very possibly, but I think we know who trivialised the issue with their idiotic choice of words.)

Oh, And I Guess The Receptionist In ‘Casualty’ Fits Somewhere In This Sequence

The passing of a mere three years, and I think we all have to agree that Stephen ‘Tintin’ Duffy looks really very different.

Amazing what they can do nowadays.

(In case it worries you, I’m not having a go at the Duffster at all; her album’s a great listen, and I certainly like it as much as her surnamesake’s work with The Lilac Time and the like. But as regular readers will know by now, I’m not going to let the fact I actually like someone’s work get in the way of a cheap and puerile post.)

Yes, I Judged The Mag By The Cover, But I Don’t Judge The Look By The Lover*

It doesn’t often happen, but sometimes a certain magazine, book or comic cover will catch my eye, and make it inevitable that I’ll have to buy the item (something which might surprise you, given how often I post lengthy rants about derivative book covers, but it’s true).

Just the other day, the cover to the current New Yorker magazine, pictured here, did just that; I’ve don’t live in New York, I’ve never read the magazine before, and all I know about it is that it has a reputation for very rarely having typos or grammatical errors – something which I have no problem with, but it did make me wonder if the magazine might be rather self-regarding or austere to read.

I know what you’re wondering: is it? And I say in reply to your thought-question: I don’t know, to be honest. I bought the magazine the other day, and I’ve briefly skimmed it a couple of times (it seems to contain short pieces by Nabokov and Murakami, which isn’t exactly shabby), but I keep being drawn back to the cover, which I think is a wonderful bit of art (you may need to click on the image to get the full effect).

It’s by Adrian Tomine, who I know does comics work as well (as does Chris Ware, who also does covers for the same magazine). I don’t think I’ve read his comics work, but whatever I’ve seen of his art has always appealed to me for its clean lines and nicely-drawn people; you can see many more of his illustrations – including some more on book-reading themes which were also New Yorker covers – on his website, by clicking here.

I don’t have any particularly searing insight to offer here, but I just wanted to share some art which I thought was elegant and attractive. Hope you like it as much as I do.

[The image above is, of course, © copyright Adrian Tomine 2008.]

*I know that doesn’t make sense, but blame ABC, not me, okay?

Spotted On Wednesday In The Capital City

Taking these two in order:

Firstly, I think we can conclude that the Evening Standard believe that the time to be alarmed when you see someone carrying a rucksack is now over. Good to know.

And secondly… well, do I really need to say anything about this headline? ‘Menace’? I mean, come on… ‘menace’?

I Didn’t Find Any ‘Man Stroke Woman’ Fan Slash Fiction, Though

Slightly spinning out of my thinking for this post, I was thinking about fan fiction – partly prompted by my recent discovery of the existence of the book depicted here.

The Killing Zone is not a particularly well-known James Bond ‘continuation novel’ – for a very simple reason; it seems that the author published it at his own expense and pretended it was officially licensed by the estate of Ian Fleming, which it wasn’t (and it seems unlikely it would have been, given that Bond dies in it – you can read the text of the book here). So really, it was little more than glorified fan fiction.

Fan fiction is something I find both understandable and mystifying; if you like to write and you like certain characters, I can see why you’d want to write stories using those characters (I mean, I have notes for an ‘Elseworlds’ Batman tale on file), but if you’re that keen to see the stories printed and they involve characters owned by someone else, I think you’d probably be better off trying to actually get them published either as stories with new characters or – if you’re hardworking and a little lucky – maybe even as part of the ‘canon’, as opposed to sticking them on the internet or similar. Sure, it’s all good writing practice to put one word after another in whatever form, and I’ve seen examples of fan fiction which have been genuinely good writing, but I can’t help thinking that some of that effort could be just as (if not more) profitably put to use in the creation of new characters.

Got an idea for a Bond story? Why not re-tool it with your own character – if the plot’s compelling enough, surely it would stand on its own merits, and you’d be free to do whatever you want without the constraints of ‘playing with someone else’s toys’ – or, as I think Warren Ellis once called it, “servicing copyrights”. Speaking of whom, Ellis did just this (aided by the terrific art of John Cassaday) to great effect in his comic series Planetary, which features a combination of out-of-copyright characters (Holmes and Dracula, for instance) and altered versions of characters, such as Doc Savage, who are still owned by other people or organisations. And of course these altered characters can have different traits from the originals as required by the plot.

One area of fan-made fiction which simply mystifies me, though, is ‘slash fiction’. When I first heard of it, I assumed it was rather grisly, like a slasher film, but in fact it comes from the punctuation involved; slash fiction is fan fiction which focuses mainly on romantic or sexual relationships between characters in an established setting, and the ‘slash’ is usually placed between the names – for example, Kirk/Spock. I gather it’s mainly written about male characters, and often by female writers (shades of Yaoi there). And a quick search of the internet for examples of it left my head a-spinning, quite frankly.

Kirk and Spock stuff was pretty prevalent, but if SF’s not your thing then you’ll be glad to know you can easily find another Shatner onscreen persona in contemporary garb in slash fiction about Boston Legal, and for those of you with longer memories for TV shows there was slash fiction detailing sex between The Equalizer and his former CIA boss. It was odd stuff to read – though I have to be honest and say that I didn’t read much of it for too long as my head was all confused by the motivations behind it: it was capably enough written (although a lot of the time the dialogue was dodgy), but my mind was pulled in two directions as it tried to reconcile the idea of these characters as having a ‘secret erotic life’ with the general themes of the ‘canonical’ stories as I understand them, and I just couldn’t align those things in my brain.

Though, thinking about it, I may simply have over-dosed on Shatnerian homoerotica whilst researching this blog post. Maybe that’s why the whole thing rather weirds me out.

As, in fact, did just typing the phrase ‘Shatnerian homoerotica’. Still, could make for some new visitors arriving here via strange searches on Google and its ilk. Hello, new and rather-niche-interested readers!

It May Be Mere Coincidence That It Appeared To Have Been Taken Down Several Hours After I Took This Picture

This picture, then, is of an advert for the new Chris Ryan novel, which I spotted at an Underground station in central London. Two things about it that make me go hmm:

1. Isn’t that first rule of engagement suspiciously similar to the line in David Mamet’s screenplay for ‘The Untouchables’, wherein Sean Connery’s character says “He pulls a knife, you pull a gun”?

2. Given the current concern about people (especially teenagers) stabbing and killing each other in London, are the references to carrying guns and knives entirely appropriate for tube ads? I mean, I don’t want to sound all newspaper editorial, but…

Model Citizen … Of The Future?

I’ll be honest – having only seen the film once, I don’t know which character in Metropolis is featured on the poster, but I doubt Erin O’Connor portrayed her (unless she’s startlingly well preserved for a centenarian).

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