Category: Pictures Page 23 of 46

I Arrive Late For The Party Once Again, But Here’s Your Ticket To The Screening Room

I recently watched the entire run of Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip, the short-lived comedy-drama from Aaron ‘West Wing‘ Sorkin.

It got very mixed reviews and limited ratings, and kind of limped to the end of its first and only season, and wasn’t renewed. In comparison with the not-entirely-dissimilar 30 Rock, it’s a lot more worthy and less funny, but I enjoyed it; there are signs of changes of direction and tone as the end drew nigh, presumably as they tried to find new ways to draw viewers in.

In my (frankly pretty worthless) opinion, there were two fundamental problems with the show:

1. It kind of assumes that the audience has an enormous familiarity with, and affection for, Saturday Night Live. As a limey, my exposure to it has been very limited, but I’m aware of it and some of its history. So it didn’t trouble me, but I can imagine that audiences of pretty much any nation who are unaware, or actively unfond of, SNL might well be put off.

2. Whilst The West Wing deals with heavy-duty stuff like kidnappings and war and terrorism, Studio 60 is rather hobbled from the start by the fact that, for all the on-screen depiction of concern and hard work, it is ultimately ‘only about a TV show’. I’m not denigrating TV as a medium, but I think the show has an uphill struggle to make some of the plotlines seem as important to the viewer as they appear to be to the characters. This is slightly echoed by the way a lot of the in-show comedy bits aren’t gutbustingly funny, despite the way the in-studio audience may be reacting. There’s a slight mismatch between the way you’re told to react to an item, and the way you may actually react.

For all this, though, I think there was a lot to like about Studio 60, and Matthew Perry did a pretty good job of making me forget he’d been in that other TV programme.

Anyway, I mentioned a Screening Room up above, and by that I mean a new-ish feature on Amazon (UK version) whereby you can watch entire TV shows – including, yes, the pilot episode of Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip – for free.

The Screening Room is located here. Keep your feet off the chairs, if you don’t mind. Night vision technology may be utilised to ensure compliance.

I Want You To Learn From My Mistakes. Lord Knows, I Seem Incapable Of Doing So.

Like Alan Partridge in the Linton Travel Tavern, or … um, thingy in Man In A Suitcase, my lovely wife and I spent the last week or so living out of a suitcase (well, a couple of them) in a hotel not far from our home.

In case you’re assuming that the accumulation of books and CDs and DVDs had reached the stage where it was easier for us to move out and leave the material possessions to take over the flat, fear not; this was a planned re-location while we had sturdy artisans in replacing the kitchen and bathroom (including tearing out the plumbing and re-plastering the ceilings), and we decided it was best to move elsewhere and keep out of their way.

Living within twenty minutes of home, but not actually at home, was a strange experience; kind of limbo-like, but pleasant enough (the hotel was nice, and had room service, so no complaints there), even if towards the end of it we were keen to get home.

Anyway, I learned various things from the experience, and I thought I’d share them with you. Hints ‘n’ tips, as it were.

If you’re staying away from home whilst renovation work’s being carried out, for pity’s sake, do not pop home to see how it’s going.

I can’t stress this enough. It’s always a bit weird to be away from home anyway, but if you then return to the location you’re feeling faintly disconnected from only to see it in a state of disrepair, it’s not going to cheer you up one bit.

The sight which confronted us on a halfway-through visit home was pretty horrifying – pipes sticking out of walls at scary angles, light fittings hanging from the ceiling like slabs of animal carcase in one of those refrigerated lorries, and so much dust it looked as if it had been snowing indoors. A scene of devastation, in short, not seen in London’s East End since the Blitz*.

I think it was Thomas Wolfe who wrote that you can never go home. As regards popping in to see how the work’s going, make that you shouldn’t go home.

Unaccustomed to hard graft? That makes two of us. Keep at least one eye on your surroundings.

For example, if you’re lifting a box of floor tiles onto a trolley, make sure that you don’t glance away long enough for the trolley to get bored of being an inanimate object, and suddenly go all animated.

In my experience, the trolley will roll towards you whilst your attention is elsewhere, hit the back of your leg, and cause you to fall onto the trolley. This fall will be assisted by the weight of the box of tiles, which you’ll need to keep clutched to you like a newborn for fear of them breaking. I’ve found that while all this is going on, your partner will be unable to do anything but watch… with eyes wide and barely-suppressed amusement. Their laughter begins when you land on your arse on the trolley. Hmph.

On being White Van Man, howsoever fleetingly

Driving a hired van to take unwanted furniture and rubble to the local tip – I’m sorry, I mean Re-use and Re-Cycle Centre – is, for the vast majority of men, a very exciting event.

Perched above the normal-sized vehicles, your lofty throne makes you look and feel like King of the dual carriageway. Enjoy it, but don’t get too blase about your new-found status, for pride comes before a fall (and you can easily fall out if you’re not careful when dismounting). Following what happened to me the other day, I make two recommendations about how to conduct yourself, so you don’t fall from grace even remotely as swiftly as I did.

Recommendation 1: When driving a transit van, don’t look in the rear view mirror. There isn’t one. Use the side mirrors instead. Mind you, when you’re reversing, pedestrians will probably take the opportunity to walk across the back of the van – that is, the blind spot between the mirrors’ visible spots. So, I recommend you stick the hazard lights on, and whenever you’re about to reverse, give it an extra 15 seconds’ wait to make sure it really is clear. I didn’t hit anyone, but from the way people were keen to leap behind the van every time I even thought about reversing, I can only assume there was a puddle behind my vehicle and pedestrians were intent on using their entire bodies to impersonate Sir Walter Raleigh’s cloak. So, look, and then wait. And then think about moving.

Recommendation 2: When you’re driving a rented van, take a moment to ascertain the height of the van before you go anywhere. This moment of research may seem like a waste of time, but it will in fact help you to avoid a close – some might even say intimate – encounter with a Maximum Headroom sign as you drive into a supermarket car park. If, however, you do what I did, and ask “hmm, are we going to get under that bar, do you think?” before hearing a very loud THUNK overhead, make sure you’ve paid for the full insurance cover on the van so you don’t have to pay the excess. God bless you, Mastercover Plus.

… and there endeth the lessons. Well, the lessons that can be learned from my recent experiences. On the basis of my past performance in relation to lessons – both those within the classroom and elsewhere – it’s debatable whether I’ll actually learn anything, but if nothing else, I like to think that this post shows that I’m at least aware of my mistakes.

All the better, of course, to repeat them, with added stupidity.

*There is, I appreciate, the possibility that this is overstating it a bit. But as my sister once said, “Oh, everyone always exaggerates everything”.

As Volume Often Trumps Reason, Emotion Can Overwhelm Diction

When I was a long-haired lout of a student (as opposed to my current long-haired fop status), the Cocteau Twins were very popular amongst the NUS/NME fraternity.

I don’t know if you remember the group, but they were – like the Thompson Twins – comprised of more than two members, and were not twins. Anyway, one of the things which made them rather distinctive was the way that singer Elizabeth Frazer would sings lyrics in a fashion which made them almost impossible to understand; like a radio tuning in and out, there were flashes of clarity, when you could make out several words in a line (sometimes even consecutive words), but a lot of the time it was as if she was speaking in tongues.

It was, nonetheless, quite effective, and it was certainly pretty popular. I was reminded of this style of singing the other day when I heard, on the radio, the Leona Lewis cover version of the Snow Patrol song Run, where the vocal performance seems to waver in and out of coherence.

For instance, I know that the chorus goes pretty much like this:

Light up, light up
As if you have a choice
Even if you cannot hear my voice
I’ll be right beside you dear

But when Leona sings it, and blurs one word into another and then on into another, I hear something more like:

Liar, Liar
Andy you have my toys
Evey nifoo cannar ear mavoy
Arby rarby sardoo dear

…It’s probably just my contrary and snarky streak that hears it that way, of course, but on the other hand it could mean that we should dismiss 80s-style synth-pop as the next big thing, and look to glossolalia as the way of the future.

If so, it’s probably for the best that Smash Hits is no longer a going concern, as it would have been a nightmare trying to reproduce songwords, especially in these days of Spellcheck.

Speaking of things religious and music-related, is it just me, or does the genuine group The Priests look alarmingly like a storyline from Father Ted?

And I Didn’t Even Refer To The Big Brother Robot Incident… Oh.

Between the endless lingering shots of Danielle Bux on ITV’s Hell’s Kitchen the other night, I was struck by how, in a few year’s time, Bruce Grobelaar will look alarmingly like George Galloway MP.

Although, now I think about it, I may well mean that the other way round.

He’s Only A ‘Mad Scientist’ Insofar As He Gets Angry When People Make Unsubstantiated Claims Or Use Pseudo-Scientific Talk. And Who Can Blame Him?

There’s an idiot of my acquaintance who claims to be able to heal people by waving his hands around them whilst they stand up.

He tried it on me once, and confidently told me that I had some back pain, which I told him was not the case, and cheerfully asked him why he’d missed the fact I had a blinding near-migraine headache which was rendering me half-blind in one eye. Hmph. He also claims to be able to heal people over the phone, so he doesn’t even need to be in the same place as them. I don’t know if he’s genuinely deluded or lying to extract money from the unwary, but I think that on any reasonable assessment of, y’know, facts, it’s pretty clear what he’s saying isn’t true.

Mind you, I wouldn’t want you to think that I’m equating belief in such matters with idiocy – he’s an idiot in many other regards, but as that rather strays into personal stuff I needn’t share here, I won’t go into any more details; suffice to say people who know me well, and of some of the events of the past five years, will know who I’m talking about.

Anyway, as hot is matched by cold and day is twinned with night, so such idiocy is balanced by intelligence; nature, they say, abhors a vacuum, and I guess it also dislikes a prevalence of empty brains, for there are people in the world who are very happily married to the accumulation of knowledge through verifiable experimentation and the accretion of provable facts.

Such a person is Ben Goldacre.

Ben – and I’ll call him that so he doesn’t sound like a Bond villain – writes on the subject of Bad Science in various newspapers and his blog of that title, and is frequently a clear voice of sense in an area which is all too often (and, it seems, all too easily) rendered indistinct and vague by all sorts of new-agey woo-woo. If you haven’t visited his blog before, I recommend a look.

And it’s because of a recent update to his blog that I’m posting; some time ago, Ben suggested it wasn’t right that vitamin-pill entrepreneur Matthias Rath was taking out adverts denouncing the use of AIDS drugs in South Africa, and promoting his vitamin pills at the same time. Mr Rath took umbrage with this, and sued Ben and the paper that his comments were published in, claiming libel. The case went on for over twelve months, until Mr Rath withdrew the case – but by this time the costs involved in fighting the action were around half a million pounds. Steps are being taken to recover this money, but in the meantime, the removal of the legal action means that Ben’s free to add his chapter on Rath to his book – also called Bad Science – but in order to get the information ‘out there’ to as many people as possible, he’s also put the entire chapter on the web.

You can find it as a PDF here or, if you don’t have Adobe Reader, it’s available as an MS Word document here.

I’m ashamed to admit that, whilst I’ve always enjoyed his blog and print work (and he came over well on some TV consumer-thing I saw him in the other week), I don’t yet own a copy of Ben’s book. Methinks I should set about remedying that…

Twin Peaks Season Three: The Comic

I keep threatening to explain why I love Twin Peaks above almost all other TV, but never seem to get round to it. And this, you’ll be unsurprised to read, is another of those occasions.

However, for those of you who’ve watched the show, there’s an interesting item to be found here. It’s an interview with Matt Haley, who was lined up to be the artist on a comic continuation of the story. Yes, I know, I’d never heard of it either, but it’s an interesting tale of a nearly-was, and from the look of Matt’s art (an example of which is attached to this post), he would have been a good choice of artist.

So, worth clicking on that link, I’d say. And one day, I promise, I’ll post about why I consider Twin Peaks to be so good, and important. Maybe I should make it a whole series of posts, in fact.

Oh yes, the world is holding its breath as it waits for my ill-informed comments about a long-cancelled TV show, no question about that.

With This Scent, You Too Can Woo Suspiciously Humanoid Females Of Various Alien Species. As Kirk Might Say, “…Oh My”.

So then, join me in being slightly bemused by the forthcoming Star Trek fragrances.

Pictured are the two aimed at men, Tiberius, which will enable you to shout the word “Khan” with startling passion, and – more amusingly to my mind – Red Shirt, because (and I quote) “Tomorrow may never come”. For the ladies, and not pictured (but you can find out more about it at the link), there’s a fragrance named after a Vulcan mating ritual, which I can only hope is a bit more alluring than it sounds.

Still, as one who frequents comic shops and other purveyors of TV and Film merchandise, it’s nice to see someone’s – well, if not necessarily conceding that some hardcore Trek fans can be a bit on the whiffy side, at least addressing the possibility. And in a collectible fashion, no less.

Forget warp drives, that’s what I call progress.

Bobby Mack’s In Town. No, Not Billy Mack From Love Actually.

I’ll be honest, I wasn’t entirely convinced by Robert McKee’s Story.

It explains itself well as it goes along, and gives good examples and the like, but at the end of it all I just felt slightly overwhelmed by the almost algorithmic charts and equations involved, and something about it didn’t quite sit right with me. It’s entirely possible that I lost the thread somewhere along the way, and that I’m resenting the theory for my lack of understanding, but it could just be that it’s a matter of horses for courses, every particular writer having son gout, and all that.

So anyway, I don’t quite adhere to McKee’s approach, but I certainly couldn’t discount it either – a lot of people are big fans, and if nothing else, he’s passionate about trying to discern what makes some stories work and others flounder – so it’s only right that I point out that he’s in the UK – specifically London – next week, doing some of his seminars; one on Love Stories, and then his famous Story Seminar.

It’s short notice, yes, but I only found out myself last night, and I’m breaking away from my hot cross buns (not a euphemism) to post this, so it’s as fast as I could letcha know, all right?


Well, now we’ve got that settled, this is the link you need to click for more details.

And I note one level of the tickets entitles you to a free copy of Final Draft – however, as people who buy it from authorised suppliers are eligible for a free copy of the new version which is due in May, you might want to make sure that, if you get it this way, you’ll also be entitled to the free upgrade.

(On which theme, I’ll be interested to see what people think of FD v8 when it comes out; I’ve been using Celtx and Word and waiting to hear that FD’s new version is more readily compatible with Vista.)

First Album Cover Photo Shoot? Let’s Make It Something Lively And Eye-Catching Which Will Appeal To As Wide An Audience As Possible, Right?

Oh dear.

Could we get a coffee for Mr Quigg, please? Or some Red Bull?

Ah sod it, get a man with a pointy stick.

Protocol Has Clearly Changed – Better Keep Russell Brand Away From Her Majesty

1992 : Australian Premier Paul Keating touches the Queen, and is branded “The Lizard Of Oz” by the British media.

2000: Australian Prime Minister John Howard is accused of touching the Queen during a royal visit. Howard’s office issues a statement denying “any contact whatsoever”.

2009: Michelle Obama hugs the Queen during the G20 visit. The Queen appears to hug her back.

Perhaps it’s a question of changing times and the softened role of the monarchy, but I know one thing: if you’re going to touch QE2, make sure you’re not a male Australian politician.

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