Category: Pictures Page 5 of 46

Les Poissons D’Avril

Given the date, I can’t really post anything you’ll believe, can I ?

That being the case, here’s a picture of a (not unconnected) fish.

Basically, I’m Saying “Don’t Worry, Daddy Still Loves You Just As Much”

In an example of my usual skill at being ahead of the curve, I’ve just started to tinker on Twitter (as promised last year, I gave it some time, to see if it was just a pash in the flan) – you can see me here.

Not entirely sure if it’ll prove to be a lasting thing, though I’m finding it quite diverting so far.

Anyway, I’ll still be blogging – and don’t worry, there are actual content-rich posts in the pipeline, not just ‘ooh, doesn’t that look a bit like that?’ ones – so this is not any kind of farewell. You don’t get rid of me that easily.

That said, I still think I’d have to sustain some kind of head injury before I’d consider signing up to Facebook.

I Think I’ll Get Some Pick N Mix Too

Obviously, it’s subliminal advertising – you know they make more money from selling snacks than from sales of cinema tickets?

Two Comic Covers From 1984

Normally, I’d suggest plagiarism, but these were both drawn by the same chap (Brian Bolland), so I’ll just chalk it up to a similar approach taken to both the pieces of work.

No criticism here at all, by the way; Bolland’s an absolute master of comic art: if you want clean lines, he’s yer artist. And I particularly like the way that the design plays on the left-to-right approach to reading, drawing the eye across the image to make you wonder just who or what is firing at the characters.

Anyway, this slight coincidence freaked out my 13-year-old self, so I thought I’d share it.

As The Saviour Of Humanity In The Matrix Put It: “Whoa!”

I’ve linked before to the ever-amusing Photoshop Disasters blog, wherein they point out under-‘shopped bits of advertising and promotional material.

But like any tool, Photoshop itself isn’t a bad thing, it’s a question of how it’s used, and here’s something created by Eric Johansson, a craftsman who need not blame his tools:

Clever, innit? You can see more of his work here – prepare to have your ever-lovin’ brain bent out of shape (or, at least, for your eyeballs to be tickled).


I’m Using The Internet As A Message Pad, Yes. What Of It?

Just a quick message to wish my brother a very happy birthday – he’s a jolly good egg, and has been a longtime reader of the blog, and is always one of the first to comment when posts become fewer and further between.

So, have a good day Bro – and if you’re reading this on your phone in the usual way, I guess you’ll be needing this in a minute or so:

To the rest of my readers, I can only apologise. And I do.

I Am, Quite Literally, A Dancin Fool

… oh, hang on, I can’t find a film called Cardboard Box.
Ah well. Better kick off my dancin shoes.
As you were, everyone.

The Perils Of Associative Thought Patterns, I Guess

This image is (as you can probably guess) from Apple’s webpage about their iBooks store.

You probably can’t make it out on the picture, but one of the lines reads:

“…the bookshelf flips around like a secret passageway to reveal the iBookstore…”

Anyone else inclined to think of Anne Frank when they read that?

What with their logo allegedly being a reference to Alan Turing, whatever you may think of their products, it could be argued that Apple have a sense of history.

The Very Definition Of An ‘Art Installation’

Apologies if you’ve seen this before, but if not, ladies and gennelman, I give you The Kansas City Library.

A terrific bit of architecture, I’d say – and I’m rather taken by the eclectic choice of books as well.

Bravo, Kansas!

Entering Decade Four

Today was my birthday, and for the first time in my working life, I didn’t take the day off.

How was it, you ask? Well, the title of this book by the late David Foster Wallace sums it up best:

I shouldn’t really complain: I’ve long thought that there wouldn’t be any harm in everyone having their birthday as a day off school, college, work or whatever. It’s just the one day, and since everyone has only one every year (except the Queen and people who were born on February 29), it’d apply pretty much equally.

Now I think about it, this is probably one of the few beliefs I have which hasn’t changed over time. A solid and definite policy decision, maybe I should (crap pun approaching) form a political group and stand on this policy and this policy alone, under the name The Birthday Party?

Oh hang on, looks like Nick Cave and friends have beaten me to it. Ah well, probably for the best.

Do forgive my nonsense, it’s late and I’m increasingly old. Though I guess that applies to all of us.

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