Category: Film

Order With Express Shipping To Ensure Yours Arrives On Or Before Friday 13 March!

Hot – well, all right, more like lukewarm – on the heels of my post about a delightful item you can buy comes this one, with news of another replica. A choice one, and not one that you might have to be slightly bonkers to buy, oh no.

So then, the Friday the 13th Movie 2009 Jason Voorhees Machete Prop Replica. Three feet long, but don’t worry, the edge is dull, so even though people may involuntarily void their bowels when they see it hung proudly over your fireplace, with its bloodstains a-glistening, you can reassure them that they’re not going to get cut by it.

Mind you, they might wonder why you’d spend $189.99 on a replica machete when you could probably buy a real one for less, but that rather leads into the issue of why you might want a machete (unless it’s the chap from Spy Kids and that Grindhouse trailer) in your home anyway… and that’s probably a question best left unanswered, isn’t it?

I Am Moving In A Manner Akin To A Fly Whose Posterior Is A Shade Towards The Violet End Of The Spectrum, Frankly

Insanely busy today, so on the basis that a pretty picture may be worth more than a thousand words (especially when they’re words from me), I thought I’d share this; Les Escaliers De Montmartre by Brassai (no relation to the Chris Morris programme, as far as I know).

I have a copy of this picture hanging in the lounge chez nous, and it proves Keats right – a thing of beauty is indeed a joy forever. Just looking at it makes me feel somehow better inside.

And much to my delight, if you visit Montmartre (which is in, I almost forgot to mention, Paris), the same stairs can still be seen… but no, they’re not the ones at the end of The Exorcist.

This Is, Of Course, The Best Place For Full Coverage Of The Oscars

You know, I’d probably apologise for the terrible pun if I wasn’t so appallingly proud of it.

Oh, don’t give me that look, you wish you’d thought of it first.

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