It Doesn’t Last That Long, But It Made Me Happy

I’m pleased to be able to report that I’ve had another joke included in Newsjack, the topical radio comedy on Radio 4 Extra (formerly BBC7). I’m included in the credits which you can see here, and if you’d like to hear the jape itself, the show can be listened to or downloaded as a podcast here, and it’s probably available via iTunes too (must admit I haven’t checked yet).

It’s the gag in the opening monologue, at 0’56” to be precise, about the passing of the NHS Bill. I think the show’ll be there to listen to or download for another week or so, which is probably about right as the joke itself’ll probably make less sense as time passes.

Anyway, this blog post is a shameless brag really, as I’m pretty chuffed to have a second BBC broadcast credit, even if it has been a couple of years since the first. I shall see if I can narrow down the intervening period between the second and third…

Ah, Remember When Columnists Used To Talk About The Wire All The Time? Those Crazy Bygone Days

I’ve come to appreciate that there’s a lot of hype and nonsense around many TV shows – particularly ones which a lot of journalists are watching but in which yer general public show less interest (The Wire, Mad Men and the like), but the quote on the front of this forthcoming novelisation of the TV show The Killing may set some new hyperbolic record:

Seriously, Radio Times? Sarah Lund, who’s been in 30 episodes of a TV series in the past five years (and only shown in the UK in the past 15 months) is the top female detective in the world? That seems rather short-sighted, almost as if the person claiming it has a very short memory indeed, or at best is a bit caught up in Killingmania. Has the source of that quote never heard of Jane Marple? Or even Jessica Fletcher?
Now, it’s possible that the publishers of that book are being rather selective with the quote, so I went looking, and found this: The Radio Times Rundown Of The Top TV Women Police Officers, November 2011.

Sarah Lund above Jane Tennison? Oh, Radio Times, you disappoint me.

Get The Car Running, I’ll Meet You At The State Line

I received this very scary e-mail this morning:

Obviously, I’m deeply troubled by it.

But more amused by the fact that the above shows the subject line; the e-mail had no content whatsoever.

I’m beginning to wonder if the phishy-spamsters are losing their mojo.

The Better Devil, You Know

As long-term readers will know, I’m currently working on a novel – but enough about me, let’s talk about M’colleague, who’s has finished his book, and guess what? E’s only gone and made it available to buy on the Kindle Store, innee? Ee as! Ee really as!


Anyway, I was lucky enough to read a draft of the book, and it was a cracking read, and the author assures me that he’s done further polishing on it since, so it’s probably even sharper now.

So, get thee to Amazon, and for less than the price of a large coffee (ie: £3.08), you can get yourself a slice of fiction*. What’s not to like?

The cover’s pictured here, and this is the link to click on: Designer Devil – Stuart Peel

Go on, give yourself a present. You know you want to.

*You don’t need a Kindle to be able to read it, there are Kindle ‘apps’ for mobile phones and PCs and the like. I know, this ‘living in the 21st century’ lark, it’s nifty, isn’t it?

The Maturity Level Of The Blog Maintains Its High Standard

… but don’t tell me you wouldn’t have giggled like a fool when you saw this item on the shelf of a French-themed grocery store:

Video: Great Gag, Well Executed

I really like this – at heart it’s one of those jokes which is so blindingly obvious that it should have been done to death over the years, but I can’t recall ever having seen it before (and I’m decades old, I remember the first time people used to connect their computers to their TVs).

Anyway, here it be – nicely done and very well played, I think you’ll agree…

Snap. Snap, I say.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted ‘booktwins’ here on the blog, but this pairing strikes me as pretty blatant.

They’re presented in what I believe to be chronological order, if you know what I’m saying…


Bubbles In The Cold London Air

Spotted on the rather literally-named Hilly Fields Park in South London yesterday afternoon, this splendid chap  was making enormous swathes of bubbles for the delight of passing children (and adults):

Mystery bubble-maker, I salute you. Especially as you didn’t mind that the crowds of children were taking such fun in popping your handiwork.

I Just Saw These On Sale In A Shop

It was a pet shop, obviously.

But because I am immature beyond belief, it made me laugh.

I know, I know: this is how I choose to mark my return to blogging?


… Or Is It Just Another Post Trying To Avoid The Appearance Of What I Believe Is Known As ‘Blogfading’? Hmm…


I know, I know, it’s been ages. How have you been? Good, I hope.

Anyway, just dropping by to mention that I do genuinely absolutely positively intend to be blogging a lot more regularly – as ever, I’m brimful of opinions (mainly ill-informed) about various forms of media and news events and whatever else skitters across my eyeline and makes me feel the urge to comment.

If you’re dying for some insight into the current contents of my head, I’m fairly active on Twitter here, and of course if you need to contact me directly, my info’s in the column to the right.

So: back soon, but in the meantime, I recommend tea.

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