In September, DC Comics will be publishing a deluxe reprint of Frank Miller’s 1983-4 comic series Ronin.

Here’s hoping that the oversized, super-deluxe edition restores the line of dialogue which was in the final panel of page 48 of chapter six, and which seems to have been absent from printings of the reprint volume for the last decade or so (see comparison of original and reprint, above).

As with the single digit ‘5’ that was missing from the final chapter of printings of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four following an error in the 1951 edition (it’s what Winston is ‘almost unconsciously tracing with his finger in the dust on the table’), it’s a small omission, but one which seriously detracts from the meaning of the tale’s ending.

All images are, of course, utterly (c) copyright Frank Miller 1983, 2008. No infringement is intended, I’m just an eagle-eyed reader.