AdMan1: Damn it, Jed, I’ve got nothing.

AdMan2: Nothing at all, Ty? That’s not like you.

AdMan1: I know, I’m the most prolific young buck at this damn agency, but I just can’t come up with anything to sell these fizzy mineral tablet things.

AdMan2: Tough break, Ty. Anyway, look at this funny video on YouTube, it’ll help take your mind off it.

They watch the video.

AdMan1: Hey, I like that. Who’s playing?

AdMan2: They’re called ‘OK Go!’.

AdMan1: Never heard of them. Anyway, how many views has that video had?

AdMan2 peers at the screen for a second.

AdMan2: About 30 million, Ty.

AdMan1: Is that all? Well, I’m sure no-one’ll notice if we rip it off.

AdMan2 frowns.

AdMan2: Rip it off?

AdMan1: Er, I mean, make an homage to it.

AdMan2: I was worried for a moment there, Ty. You sounded perilously close to being a non-creative.

AdMan1: Not me, Jed, I’m a creative genius, and I could build brands in my sleep.

AdMan2: Amen to that, Ty.

Cut to:

Three months later, same office. This advert plays on a TV screen. In front of it, Jed and Ty high-five.